Welcome to my Digital Media Webpage !! :D


Hi! My name is Ana Sesma. I am in my sophmore year here at GGC, I am a psychology major. I have always enjoyed helping others and really seeking to understand people, how they think, how it affects their behavior, etc., so psychology just naturally became something I am passionate about.

Courses Fall 2024

ITEC 2110 Digital Media
FILM 1005 Intro to Film
PSYC 3210 Intro to Neuroscience
PSYC 3020 Statistics in Psychology

Hobbies and Interests

I have a lot of little hobbies I enjoy. I would say my top three hobbies would be reading, weight lifting in the gym, and thrifting with coffee. I really enjoy coffee, it is why I am a barista. I love learning about the little details that change the taste of it, it is far more interesting than one would expect. Plus, who can go thrifting without a little drink?